What is Personal Development?
Mayfield is proud to go above and beyond to offer a wide range of additional opportunities which enrich the learning of our pupils to support them to become well rounded individuals. Mayfield has a reputation for having excellent pastoral support for our pupils, we know our children and families well and foster excellent relationships with them. Our Mayfield values help pupils develop their character. We encourage our pupils to have high aspirations for themselves, to be determined and responsible, honest citizens who understand that individual differences should be respected and celebrated and who therefore have empathy and show kindness towards one another. We help pupils understand and deepen their knowledge of the British values of democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law, mutual respect and tolerance.
Through our Personal, Social, Health and Economic curriculum (PSHE), we aim to develop positive attitudes and values that influence healthy patterns of behaviour, to explore and understand feelings, attitudes and values and to equip pupils with the skills to make informed choices.
The teaching of Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) is an integral part of the PSHE curriculum. We teach pupils to recognise and manage online and offline risks. We teach them about healthy relationships and that sexual harassment of any kind is not tolerated. Our personal development curriculum supports pupils to be ready for their next stage in education, it underpins every part of what we do at Mayfield.
A programme of assemblies based on our values helps to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, and provide clear guidance for pupils on how to grow up to be the best person they can possible be. As well as the values assemblies, pupils also take part in:
- Gold award assemblies
- Safeguarding assemblies
- Sports celebration assemblies
- Music showcase assemblies
- Singing assemblies
- Star Award assemblies
Social Responsibility:
At Mayfield, we want to encourage our children to be active citizens who give back to their community and can make a difference to people in need. Every year, classes take part in a particular social/community action project which is linked to one of Mayfield's values. Once we have decided on this year's projects, we will let you know what they are here.