Attainment and Progress
The National Curriculum sets out the expectations that children should meet at the end of each year or key phase. Our aim is for as many pupils as possible to meet these expectations each year.
Children attending Mayfield make very good progress from their starting points. Progress is tracked from the point the child joins us:
- In Reception progress is measured from a Baseline assessment which is given within the first six weeks of starting school.
- In Year 1 and 2 progress is measured from the end of Reception and the assessment of whether a child has met a "Good Level of Development."
- In Years 3-6 progress is measured from the end of Year 2 (key-stage 1) and is based on teacher assessments against National Standards in reading, writing and maths.
As a school we have a focus on a range of pupil groups to ensure that they are making as much progress as possible, and that all children are being academically stimulated and challenged. At Mayfield these pupil groups are:
- pupils who receive additional government funding such as Looked After Children and those children eligible for Pupil Premium
- the most-able pupils
- pupils with additional needs
Each year children in year 6 will complete tests in May, commonly known as SATs. These tests cover the subjects of reading, mathematics and grammar, punctuation and spelling. Children are also given a teacher assessment result for writing and science.
Schools are required to publish the end of Key Stage results. The table below presents the results from the previous SAT year (2019 - due to covid there were no SATs in 2020 and 2021), the current year and the table provides a comparison with National averages.
Key Stage 2 Results
The Government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. The last available public data is from the 2018 to 2019 academic year. It is important to note that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.
Working at the Expected Standard |
Working at the Higher Standard |
Average Scaled score |
Mayfield 2022 |
Mayfield 2023 |
National 2023 |
Mayfield 2022 |
Mayfield 2023 |
National 2023 |
Mayfield 2022 |
Mayfield 2023 |
85% |
80% |
73% |
26% |
51% |
29% |
106 |
105.3 |
Writing TA
76% |
75% |
71% |
20% |
20% |
13% |
- |
83% |
78% |
73% |
41% |
40% |
24% |
107 |
104 |
83% |
82% |
72% |
46% |
49% |
30% |
109 |
104.1 |
RWM combined |
63% |
62% |
59% |
13% |
15% |
8% |
- |
Science |
91% |
85% |
80% |
- |
- |
Children in Year 1 complete a Phonics Check in June.
Mayfield 2022 |
Mayfield 2023 |
Year 1 phonics check |
93% |
This is a link to Mayfield's DfE School's Performance Tables: Mayfield Primary School - GOV.UK - Find and compare schools in England (