Early Years
Parents and carers play an important part in their child's learning and development. These videos focus on how parents can support learning at home and include activities for parents and carers to try with their child.
Foundation stage play and talk (click here)
Foundation stage maths - counting (click here)
Key Stage 1 Writing (click here)
Key Stage 1 Reading (clickhere)
Key Stage 1 Maths - shape (click here)
Here are links to some LGFL resources. You will need an LGFL password to access these.
Remember to Keep safe online and follow the SMART rules. | |
Busy Things | |
Early Vision | |
Sing me a Song | |
PB Bear | |
Talking Stories |
Each year the children in reception will do a Reception Baseline. The class teacher sits with each child as they work through the baseline. The baseline is administered within the first six weeks of a child starting in reception. You can find out more about the Reception Baseline by clicking here: