Ealing Schools Counselling Partnership
Ealing Schools Counselling Service: A self-referral service to give pupils extra support for their emotional wellbeing. It is run by Tasmin Graham every Tuesday lunchtime and children can sign up by putting a 'Space Slip' in her box, located near the lunch hall, KS2 library hub and the year 2 corridor. This service is also available to parents and staff if needed. If you would like to make an appointment to speak to Tasmin, please either email her at tasmin@schoolscounsellingpartnership.co.uk or call/text her on 07368857699 .
Coffee Mornings: Tasmin will be holding a Coffee Morning every term, for any parents who wish to attend. Topics will be covered that will help you support your child(ren)'s healthy emotional development and well-being.
1:1 counselling: We have two other therapists who work with specific children who may benefit from more regular support, using therapeutic play and the creative arts.