
Leadership Opportunities 

At Mayfield we strive to encourage as many children as possible to take on leadership roles in school. We have many leadership opportunities which come up every year. 


School Council 

Our hard-working School Council is made up 16 children, a team of two children from each class in year 3 - year 6. 

Each year the children vote for their School Council Representative by going to the polls.

Candidates need to:  study the job description and decide to nominate themselves for the class role.  Candidates prepare a speech and present this to their class outlining why they would make a great School Council Rep.

The classes are formally invited to vote by Mrs Jordan.

Then the studio is set up with voting booths.  The Poll Clerk registers the pupils as they come to the desk and hands each one a poll card. Then into the voting booths to make their confidential vote.

The children place their votes in the ballot box and this is always returned to Mr Ratchford who counts up the votes.

In assembly, Mr Ratchford announces the new School Council Class Representatives.

One of the tasks that the School Council consider each year is which charities to support.

The School Council also provide ideas to improve our school and then raise funds to support this idea.


 Eco Warriors 

Our Eco-Warriors consist of two children from each year group in years 3- 6. They meet regularly with Ms Siburns to support the school is becoming as sustainable as possible. We have recently been awarded the Eco-School Green Flag Accreditation! 


Junior Travel Ambassadors 

Our Junior Travel Ambassadors consist of 8 children in years 5 and 6. They meet with Ms Arundell regularly and come up with ideas for how to encourage active, safer travel to and from school. Mayfield has been awarded with the Gold TFL Stars accreditation and was also recognised as the most innovative school in West London! 


Play Leaders 

A mix of year 5 and 6 children who are responsible for looking after the play equipment, making sure all children have access to it and putting away the equipment and keeping it organised.